About Lupita

Photo of Lupita smiling, standing against a wall with wings painted on it.


I’m a homeschooling mother of five wonderful children. I began homeschooling in the state of Florida in 2005, and since then I’ve supported thousands of parents in their homeschool journey. I built and published HomeschoolingFlorida.com, a hub of informative articles that walk parents through many different aspects of homeschooling in Florida. I also founded several Facebook groups to help guide and connect parents: FLVS Homeschooling Parents (Flex) and Florida Homeschoolers Dual Enrolled.

Over the years, as I homeschooled my own children, I discovered that all children are different, and this truth taught me a lot about how to tailor a meaningful education for each student. As a result, I diligently research educational opportunities and share everything I find with as many homeschooling parents as possible. I’ve graduated three of my children so far, and each one has found their unique path.

I understand how home education works in Florida, and I am dedicated to supporting your right to home educate freely. That is why I have pledged to donate 10% of my earnings from evaluations to Brenda Dickinson’s non-profit organization, Home Education Foundation (www.flhef.org). Along with her late husband Craig, Brenda wrote our home education law and has been successfully defending and expanding it through her tireless lobbying efforts in Tallahassee. The Home Education Foundation is the only lobbying organization that represents the interests of homeschooling families in Florida. The reason why hundreds of thousands of families have been able to home educate in Florida for the past 30+ years is because of Brenda Dickinson.

I am a Florida Certified Teacher and am licensed to do evaluations in all 67 counties in Florida. I hold a Master in Fine Arts degree in English – Creative Writing from the University of Florida. In addition to educating my own children, I’ve taught at the university, high school, middle school, and elementary levels. Other services I offer include one-on-one consulting via Zoom and by phone and high school transcript services. You can learn more about that by visiting my other website, www.HomeschoolTranscriptsFL.com

Please let me know if you have any questions about evaluations or any other aspect of homeschooling in Florida. I am an expert in high school course planning, dual enrollment, college admissions, college admission essays, and Bright Futures. Most of all, I am your ally. I work for YOU, to equip you and encourage you as you help your children learn and grow.

If you want to book a consultation, visit my appointment page: www.calendly.com/lupita-tucker